
Archeage map of airship
Archeage map of airship

To get compensated for labor costs, Mail to "Slaves" the difference in total Labor prior to trade run, and after trade run. Slaves will order and pay for the materials, mail them to the user, and log the information. To build trade packs: Mail to "Slaves", what items you need and how many. If we can get at least two successful runs, we'll have another Merchant Ship in our fleet.

archeage map of airship

There should be enough time for 2 attempts, maybe 3. We will arrive in Gweonid, where once we're all accounted for, we will repeat Step 2. Once the ships are unloaded, all members recall. These are untradeable, and why she must turn them in only. Bade will unload the trade packs and trade them to a resource trader for Gilda currency. The fleet will follow along the coast, until we reach the trade harbor. If a collision attempt is made by an enemy, Legane will stop the Merchant ship and navigate around the obstacle, while one of our appropriately positioned warships intercepts it.Ĥ) Once we hit the Ynestere coast, we've made it to safety. Warships will provide the majority of long-range defense, and will block attempts of enemy boarding actions. Depending on manning, we may have a clipper scouting ahead for static threats like enemy observers in the open ocean. Once we reach the open ocean, we're in a war zone, and need to have everyone ready. We will stay along the coast while in our continent. We will all begin loading the merchant ship in the harbor. Once installed, you can find the Slaves to the Trade server by:Ĭonnectionss > Server List > Search "Slaves to the Trade" > Connect It's a team voicechat server program, that is quickly installed and running. If you don't have Teamspeak, follow this link. We'll be considering this a test run, and I'd like to just have the Merchant ship loaded with Bade's trade packs, and see how effective it would be to have it flanked closely by the warships to keep other vessels from collision paths. We're going to contact Cole and see if he is back yet, and able to join us with his warship. With Legane's permission of course, I'm assuming we'll have his Merchant ship with us, and my warship. If you can jump on later today, we will go down the order of operations on how we're going to rally up, warp to our staging area, and where we're going to launch from. Ynestere (our main intercontinental trade port) is currently at level 4 tension, so I'm projecting that it will hit peacetime somewhere late afternoon. We're gonna make some fucking money trading across the sea, and probably fight people along the way Hopefully with our alliance with Pathfinder guild, we'll have some lvl 50's from them to beef us up as well. Therefore it is imperative we keep other ships at bay from ours, and keep and eye out for swimmers and flyers attempting to board as well.

archeage map of airship

Now, be aware, since many of you guys are low levels, we will be vulnerable if we get boarded by lvl 50's. Also, we will most likely have someone in a Clipper (the small, fastest ship in the game) scouting ahead of the pack. They are pretty cheap however, and we can provide them to everyone. To fire the cannons, you will need to have Steel Ammo (cannonballs) in your inventory. Many of you guys may be low level, but that doesn't mean you can't operate the radars of the warships to detect any and all other ships around us, and to man the cannons of the warships as well. We will store our packs in the 20 boxes of my merchant ship, in addition to carrying packs on our backs. What is our gameplan, then? Well, LeadTaco (Kahkki in game) owns a galleon warship, as does another veteran player of our guild, Cole. Pirates, Reds, Greens, everybody may try to take our precious cargo.

archeage map of airship

In other words, anybody, even players from our own faction (green players), can attack us in these waters. Even if Ynystere is in Peace, however, we still have to cross the sea between our two continents, and the sea is ALWAYS in War status. Therefore only in Peace time will we attempt this route. Only in Peace time may we NOT be attacked by Red players, unless we attack them ourselves. Ynystere is a region on the enemy continent, and it fluctuates constantly between being in a state of Peace, Conflict, and War. We will cross the sea and make port at Yynestere, where we will be rewarded with substantially more gold/materials/Gilda Stars. It will begin at EITHER the Specialty Workbench I just mentioned at north Crescent Throne, or the Specialty Workbench located at the northern end of Two Crowns.

Archeage map of airship