Patient-electrode motion artifacts: Movement of the electrode away from the contact area on the skin, leading to variations in the impedance between the electrode and skin causing potential variations in the ECG and usually manifesting themselves as rapid (but continuous) baseline jumps or complete saturation for up to 0.5 second Įlectromyographic (EMG) noise: Electrical activity due to muscle contractions lasting around 50 ms between dc and 10,000 Hz with an average amplitude of 10% FSD level īaseline drift: Usually from respiration with an amplitude of around 15% FSD at frequencies drifting between 0.15 and 0. While this ECG does demonstrate little electrical artifact, the highfrequency pacemaker spikes are less well visualized than on the bandstopfiltered ECG in Figure 3C.
Power line interference: 50 0.2 Hz mains noise (or 60 Hz in many data sets ) with an amplitude of up to 50% of full scale deflection (FSD), the peak-to-peak ECG amplitude Įlectrode pop or contact noise: Loss of contact between the electrode and the skin manifesting as sharp changes with saturation at FSD levels for periods of around 1 second on the ECG (usually due to an electrode being nearly or completely pulled off) Artifacts include art, tools, and clothing made by people of any time and place. 2 Artifacts from movement can make the baseline wander (fluctuate up and down), can give a small squiggly baseline that obscures true P waves and can give the. Artifacts can be caused by movement, electrical interference or altered filter settings. Electrocardiogram artifacts commonly lead to misdiagnosis. Broadly speaking, ECG contaminants can be classified as : An artifact is an object made by a human being. Above: Abnormal ECG showing reversal of leads V1 and V3. The three Standard Limb Leads: Einthoven’s Law explains that Lead II’s complex is equal to the sum of the corresponding complexes in Leads I and III and is given as II I + III. Note that you can march out the narrow QRS complexes on the left throughout the duration of the wide complex on the right.

As a result of artifacts, normal components of the EKG can be distorted. this just means it may be harder to evaluate the ECG - it means nothing as far as your heart. Unfortunately, the ECG is often contaminated by noise and artifacts that can be within the frequency band of interest and can manifest with similar morphologies as the ECG itself. The three limb electrodes, I, II and III form a triangle ( Einthoven’s Equilateral Triangle ), at the right arm (RA), left arm (LA) and left leg (LL). Electrocardiograph (EKG) artifacts are defined as EKG abnormalities, which are a measurement of cardiac potentials on the body surface and are not related to electrical activity of the heart. Poor quality ECG: If you are shaking when the ECG was taken, or if the leads were not properly applied, this may show up as tremors.